1981 Jaguar Parts Technical Information part 3
By: Mike D. McNally
([email protected])
I am not a Jaguar mechanic. I own two XJ6's a black '81, which
I drive everyday, and a black '83 that I intend to restore. So not
a comprehensive Jaguar mechanic, I was baffled as to the cause of a deteriorating
no-start problem. A problem, that I was to find out later, I had
incorrectly diagnosed as a 'cold' start dilemma.
It should be mentioned here, I use a variety of sources for information,
as does my fellow Jag enthusiast Darrell, to try and understand and correct
various problems - some serious, some not so. I have a Haynes Repair
Book, several Parts Supplier catalogs and use JagBits on the internet to
read other owners solutions. Darrell and I have found and printed
much info from the Internet as well, and he has some other parts catalogs
that I dont, and has procured a genuine (though expensive $49) manufacturers
Repair Manual for this model. Between the two of us, we share information
and by comparing written and visual repair descriptions, we are often able
to figure most things out for ourselves. Sometimes, the local Jag
dealers parts dept. can clear up a mystery by reviewing the diagrammatic
and exploded assemblies (very useful tool).
It should also be mentioned here, we have found, through our personal
experiences, that it is getting harder and harder to find knowledgeable
people out there who know this model of Jag. Even a courtesy peek
at the local dealers repair manual proved no better than my Haynes Repair
Manual when trying to understand the window lift mechanism recently.
In some cases, we find, we are becoming the local Jag experts unwillingly
on some things. Its no wonder we see so many excellent condition
XJ6s sitting and rotting away in Jaguar Heaven (a Jaguar Wrecking and
Parts yard in Stockton, CA). Even a local Jaguar mechanic confirmed
this, by saying the dealer does not charge flat rates on these models anymore.
Its all hourly rates. Hopefully the mechanic is savvy enough in
his diagnostic skills to track the problem(s) down without too much time
having elapsed once your car is there!
Even with our resources, we most often find little or no information
on some subjects and are forced to fend for ourselves. The window
lift mechanism is a perfect and recent example. Our Haynes Manual
was actually better at showing and describing the process, than was the
dealers repair manual. However, both were extremely deficient in
showing and describing what was necessary to remove and repair. This
mechanism is virtually a Chinese Torture Puzzle of a contraption, that
needs someone who has worked on it several times and knows the process
and understands the rationale behind it without benefit of manuals.
With all that being said, I venture on with my no-start problem and
our circuitous path to an eventual solution:
For a period of approximately a month, the engine became harder and
harder to start, until one day, it wouldnt start at all. The engine
would crank and eventually start at time though. Sometimes it seemed
to start easier if I held the gas pedal down, half way while turning the
ignition switch - the idea being, to get extra air into the mixture if
it was a fuel rich problem, since we seemed to smell excess gasoline.
This we later figured, was only a flooding problem, needing no additional
Initially, we checked the spark at the coil and found that the spark
was sometimes absent. Thinking about this, we figured the problem
was one of the five wires attached to the coil, and proceeded to clean,
tighten and spray WD40 as well as replace some of the contacts with new
ones. This seemed to work for a week or so and then the no-start
problem returned just as before.
Still getting intermittent spark, we rightfully concluded there was
perhaps shorted or broken wires that lead to the coil or other components
that worked in relationship to this power source as being the fault.
In other words, we assumed that we might have inadvertently restored contact
in a wire by working on the coil contacts themselves.
Shorted or broken wires on this loom is not uncommon, as the locations
of these few wires are located under the water manifold and right next
to the engine. This is obviously a place where engine heat is trapped
and can run very high. The Brits (still trying to get back at us
for the Revolution), are very poor with their wire insulation and even
worse at their artistic endeavor to provide a clean under-bonnet wiringat
least in this vintage Jaguar. Incidentally, JagBits has a very nice
article written about replacing XJ12 wiring that is also relative to other
cars. Pictures too! As it turned out, once the pitiful cloth insulation
was removed, many wires leading to the coil where cracked, with some hanging
on by a few wire strands underneath. The plastic coating in almost
all cases was hard and brittle. These were painstakingly and carefully
replaced as far as I could safely do without replacing entire looms.
In an early incidence, trying to ascertain my no-start problem, I
found the Temperature Sensor on the top of the water manifold to have a
defective connection. While the car was running, I fiddled with various
wire connections to see if a bad electrical connection elsewhere was the
culprit. When I touched this rubber booted connection, the engine
threatened to quit. Very carefully, with a sharp, straight edged
razor, I cut away the brittle, now hard as plastic, rubber boot that protected
the top of the connector. There are two wires leading into this connector.
After carefully removing the spring retaining clip, I lifted the connector
slowly, causing the engine to cease. This leads me to believe that
ALL electrical wires and components MUST be connected and properly grounded
in order for the total computerized system to properly work. To continue,
I discovered that one of the two wires was hanging on to its contact by
two strands. You can repair these connections by releasing
the contact pin (flimsy formed sheet metal box-like pin connector), from
the underside of the connector. Using a very thin, pronged-ended and flat,
thin tool (we made out of a short piece of coat hanger wire on a grinder),
to release the retaining tang or tab inside the connector. The
individual connector slides out the top, where a new wire can be soldered
back on to it. Make sure you careful grind down the excess solder
so that the wire/connector will be able to re-fit back to the socket slot
from whence it came. Also clean both male and female connectors prior
to refitting. My friend uses WD40 for everything except sex (I hope),
which is what we used here. I think a good electrical parts spray
is also good for cleaning, followed by a douche of WD. We feel it
improves the contact and minimizes future corrosion (besides, we both like
the smell). Sometimes, Q-Tips are indispensable in tight areas for
cleaning as well as compressed air spray, judiciously applied.
Still not having corrected by initial problem, I replaced the following
parts using those available from the 83 sitting alongside the 81 in my
garage: the Temperature Sensor, Ignition Amplifier, three Fuel Injection
Relays mounted on the firewall; the Diode Unit, the Cold Start Relay and
the Fuel Pump Relay, the Fuel Injector Ballast Resistor and the Coil itself.
I also went as far as to remove all of the air intake system down to the
large air plenum, so that I could get at and check, the Throttle Switch
located underneath the Throttle Valve Housing. Since the 83 ran
extremely well prior to dismantling, I assumed that all of these parts
were and still are functional.
The advantage of removing the entire air intake system (though as it
turned out, unnecessary), was to check on the worthiness of the Throttle
Switch (easy to check w/ a voltmeter in-place or off). Replace the
hard and brittle rubber sleeve that connects the cast aluminum elbow to
the Throttle Valve Housing, replace the corrugated rubber connector between
the metal elbow and the Mass Airflow Sensor (MAS). And (to my friends
dismay) highly polish the entire MAS as well as paint the MAS mount and
replace the three rubber vibration isolators. While on this subject,
let me say a few things in this area we have discovered. At a truck
supply house, you can purchase a same I.D., fuel resistant, heavier walled
rubber sleeve to replace the 2.5 tall rubber one currently used for a
fraction of the cost of the replacement Jag part. I believe its
used for diesel truck air-intake manifolds. You can purchase a 14 length
for the same cost as the replacement $26 of lesser quality rubber just
2 long. Cut it to length and provide your friends with replacement
pieces from whats left! Also, Harley Davidson Motorcycles has a
great 1.5 long rubber isolator for $2 apiece where Jaguars part is $12-14
each. You will need to purchase spacer washers, lock washers and
nuts for each (18 of each total). The stud is vulcanized into the
rubber, so no stud is necessary. Polishing the MAS was simply
a matter of lots of elbow grease to clean first, then polish using a combination
of and 'Scotch Brite' scouring pads first, then 4000 steel wool in conjunction
with 'Mothers' aluminum polishing paste. After painting both the
elbow and MAS mount w/ matte black heat resistant spray paint and polishing
the MAS, it looks really smart now. Also, while having these components
out, I was able to clean and polish the metal side panels on the fender
which, unless corroded, are of the same paint quality as the exterior surfaces
and clean / polish nicely (another good article in JagBits about this).
I checked my K&N air filter while off as well and cleaned the big cylinder
all around.
Once these components were replaced, we were still baffled by our no-start
problem and felt we were no closer to solving the mystery. We did
notice, while cranking the engine, a surge of fuel pressure, in the short
fuel injector rubber supply line just before the engine almost started.
This led us to believe, that we had a possible no-fuel problem perhaps
caused by the fuel pump located in the rear. Once again, I cannibalized
that part from the 83 (easily followed Haynes directions on this and total
time maybe 30 mins. for both) and swapped it out with the 81. No
difference! Hmmmm and Grrrrrr!
A friend and mechanic also came over and pointed out, once again, our
intermittent no-spark situation at the coil. He then took a short
piece of wire and placed it between the positive terminal on the battery
and the positive terminal on the coil while I turned the ignition switch
to the start position. This bypasses the Starter Relay on the firewall,
and you can hear it click each time the wire is touched to the battery
terminal in that relay. Guess what? IT STARTED! Though I was
to find out later, this was only a mere coincidence.
With this knowledge in hand, I now assumed I definitely had a shorted
or severed wire in one of the two wires coming off the positive terminal
of the coil. At this point, with the engine nicely running, I was
very optimistic about solving my no-start problem! In replacing these
two wires, I decided, that I would repair or replace entirely (where possible),
all five wires coming into the coil, thinking that it was prudent, given
their cracked appearance, etc. However, I was loath to enter into
and / or replace the small loom that collects in the right front of the
engine just before it separates to the front (Alternator and A/C Compressor)
and goes back underneath the water manifold to a much larger loom and 9-pin
connector. I did remove, clean and WD this 9-pin connector at the
rear, while there, being ever so careful as to not upset the delicate British
wiring monstrosities nearby. While I'm sure these repaired wires
were beneficial in the overall scheme of things, it still did not solve
my problem.
Note: A 'trickle' charger to recharge your depleted battery from numerous
attempts at starting, doesn't hurt having here!
Incidentally, manual wiring diagrams we found concerning these five
wires and where they go, are hard at best to discern and non-existent at
worst, to find all five wire functions / directions. To complicate
this, later model Series III coils employ a capacitor strapped onto the
side of the coil. Mine did not have this and I believe all coils
on this model have five wires never the less. Between Darrell and
I, we do have five Series III engines to compare and discover directions.
There are three wires on the negative inboard side. One goes to the
Ignition Amplifier, one to the Tach (White w/ Blue spiral stripe and to
the 9-pin plug at the rear) and one to the front loom that leads to the
Alternator. That leaves the two wires on the positive terminal of
the coil. One is (W) to the Ignition Amplifier and the other
is to the front harness leading to the Alternator. Since my car is
old and has been worked on before, Im not positive of all the color coded
wires and if they truly match those noted in the manual's smallish wiring
Tip: Take to photocopy shop and have enlargedthe bigger the better.
Having done this, the car still wouldnt start. I once again tried
to show my friend Darrell how the other friend bypassed the relay and directly
hot-wired the positive battery terminal to the coils positive terminal
and thus started the car. Before when I showed him this, it had failed
to start as it easily had done before. No clicking sounds in the
cold start relay either. Now, a second time, with him behind
the wheel, it did click and did start up as before. He noticed, as
I had early in the process, the diagnostic lights on the dashboard came
on just before it started. At times they did not. Also, I had
earlier noticed, that the car wanted to start just at the point I was releasing
the grip on the ignition key, letting the spring mechanism inside the switch
return itself to the on position. At this point, we began to feel
the problem all along, just might be the Ignition Switch itself.
We purchased the electrical unit from the local dealer ($65), fairly easily
installed it (Albeit with Houdini positions) and it immediately started!
Lastly, the car ran rough for about 20 or so miles while driving it
at high speeds. Upon checking all of the plugs, we found the number
1 plug to be discolored. We cleaned and swapped no.1 w/ no.4 plug
and ran again at high speeds. Eventually, the engine smoothed out
and ran better than it has in years. The roughness we suspected was
caused perhaps by a sticky or gummed up injector on no.1, due to all the
unburned gas and two weeks of sitting idle. Not as we had first surmised
was either a bad spark plug wire or plug. I am using newly installed
Bosch Premium wires and NGK plugs. I also have a fairly new distributor
cap and points, which we also double-checked in our laborious process.
Once again, I am enjoying my black beauty!
After numerous attempts at starting the engine n running gasoline through,
etc., the car ran extremely rough for at first. We took it into the
countryside and put at least 10 high-speed miles on it, before it smoothed
out. It seemed to run very smooth afterwards, except for an occasional
and short-lived roughness (like running on five cylinders). I have
put a bottle of 'fuel injector cleaner' into the tank and hope, that by
the time I have driven a tank's worth, my suspected 'sticky' fuel injector
will be okay. A blue film on the rear bumper chrome makes me suspect
it is running too rich. Any ideas? I am going to try and add
the capacitor I have read about in Jag Bits and see if that removes some
roughness. The car is now 20 years old!
Jagbits Note: The capacitor mod which Mike refers to is from the Jag
Lovers discussion group. The mod, along with many others, is available
for free and is described in detail at the Jag
Lovers web site.
See our Jaguar Parts Store Catalog to order parts.
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