When winter is near, it’s time to check and update your car’s cooling system. Here are a few things to check:

A. With a coolant tester, test the antifreeze capacity of your current coolant. It should test to at least 20 degrees F below zero, or your coolant is suspect.

B. Check the condition of your hoses. Very hard hoses or very soft hoses should be replaced. Better now than when it’s snowing.

C. Remove any debris from the radiator, particularly between the A/C condenser and the radiator. Leaves and other trash tend to get stuck in this little space and block the airflow through the radiator.

D. Check the thermostat’s operation and replace it if necessary. If your engine fails to warm up to the “N”, your thermostat’s stuck open and needs to be replaced. If your engine consistently runs warm, the thermostat may be stuck partially closed. If so, it needs to be replaced.

E. It’s a good time to make sure your heater and defroster work.

F. Be sure to run your air conditioner for a couple of minutes each week during the winter, to keep the system functioning and well-lubricated.